Somonoce Studio
This website showcases my artwork and highlights where you can find me and my art. Thank you for taking the time to look around!
Recycle Santa Fe “Make Do” was accepted into the juried art show at Recycle Santa Fe 2024

Domestic Bliss solo show at Art Lab in Fort Collins
Fiber Art Colorado at Depot Art Gallery, Littleton CO
August 4,2023 First Friday Art Walk Fort Collins–
Golden Poppy Apothecary Classroom 6-9pm
Alternatives to Violence The Artists Perspective with Artworks Loveland
Artist Interview in my Studio with Museum of Art Fort Collins
Rocky Mountain Triennial at Musem of Art Fort Collins
Trienial Exhibit Booklet
- April 2023 First FridayI am happy to be a part of Petrichor Collective’s April First Friday! Come to the Golden Poppy Apothecary (223… Read more: April 2023 First Friday
- Fort Collins First Friday Art Walk Linden Street Takeover!Come to Old Town Fort Collins tomorrow 10/07/22 from 3-9pm to discover Artists, musicians, a car show, and more! Stop… Read more: Fort Collins First Friday Art Walk Linden Street Takeover!
- Art Walk Fort Collins Today 9/2/22I will be displaying my work at Petrichor Collective’s September Art Showcase. They have four locations filled with 29 artists. I… Read more: Art Walk Fort Collins Today 9/2/22
- First Friday, Anyone?September’s First Friday Art Walk in Fort Collins will have a new artist- Somonoce Studios! location TBA but mark your… Read more: First Friday, Anyone?